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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/690

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A Modern "Newspaper Maker"

���Over t. The c

��' d inventions are incorporalctl m the mccluiniMii t>l iIk- ni.uiuuc. 1 of the various parts of the folder was obtained by distributing nd vacuums so that the paper is carried, not pulled, along

��Tm-l specdie-st. priming jircss in llic WDild, lKi\in.i; an lionrly cajjacity (jf 65,000 newspapers, lias hern completed for Uie New York Herald. Henry Wise Wood is the designer and constructor. The new press embodies a vast number of improvements, so lh.it in

��spile of its tremeniloiis speeil the atten- lidii it rociiiires is e\en less than that of liie ordinary newsp.iper jiress. It de- liwrs p.ipers folded into either S, 16, or T,2 pages. Ciroat difticnlties were o\cr- come before the folder was perfected. I'riiuiplcs of aeronautics were apjilied.


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