No. 15 of 1960.
L.S. |
I assent.
Claude Burgess,
Officer Administering the Government.
19th May, 1960.
An Ordinance to provide for the registration and control of certain Post Secondary Colleges and their consequent exemption from the provisions of the Education Ordinance and for other matters connected therewith.
[20th May, 1960]
Be it enacted by the Governor of Hong Kong, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows—
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance. 1960.
Interpretation. 2. In this Ordinance save where the context otherwise requires—
“College” means a Post Secondary College registered under this Ordinance, and such College should be known as an Approved Post Secondary College;
“Board of Governors” includes a Board of Trustees where such a body exists in place of a Board of Governors;
“Director” means the Director of Education.
Registers. 3. For the purposes of this Ordinance the Director shall keep the following registers—
- (a) a register of Colleges;
- (b) a register of members of Boards of Governors;
- (c) a register of members of College Councils;
- (d) a register of teachers in Colleges.
Requirements for registration. 4. A Post Secondary College shall be eligible for registration under section 3 and thereafter to remain on the register where the Director is satisfied as to
- (a) the composition of the Board of Governors, College Council and teaching staff being such as to ensure satisfactory academic and general standards and conduct;