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No. 15 of 1960.

(b) the constitution, statutes or other instruments which govern the Post Secondary Colleges which documents shall contain such provisions as are set out in the regulations;
(c) the courses offered being suitable in all respects for Post Secondary Colleges meeting a community need and including major courses extending over at least four years;
(d) the equipment, laboratories, library and general facilities being adequate for the courses offered:
(e) the number, qualifications, remuneration and conditions of service of the Post Secondary College staff;
(f) the premises being adequate for the purposes of a Post Secondary College and being in all ways suitable and safe for such purposes;
(g) the conditions as to age and attainments of the students qualifying for admission, the standard of instruction and the final examination standards;
(h) the number of students being admitted having regard to the maintenance of status and standards, facilities available and community need;
(i) students being admitted without favour being shown on grounds of race, nationality or religion save where on the application of the Post Secondary College the Director approves of an exception in favour of a class of persons holding a particular religious faith;
(j) the Post Secondary College being free from affiliation with or control by any foreign government, foreign organization or political group and the students teachers and officers refraining from political propaganda and from any undesirable political activity and from any other activity whatsoever which the Director considers inimical to the interests of the College;
(k) adequate provision being made in the Post Secondary College for the encouragement of corporate and social life and for recreation;
(l) the finances of the Post Secondary College;
(m) the legal status of the Post Secondary College which shall be be a corporation unless other arrangements are made, to the approval of the Director, for the proper discharge of legal obligations and safeguarding of rights of the College;
(n) the College complying in all respects with the provisions of this Ordinance.

Effect of registration.
(33 of 1952, 1958 Reprint).
5. So long as a College remains registered under section 3 it shall be exempt from the provisions of the Education Ordinance, 1952.