Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co.
No. 3 Universal Cutter and Reamer Grinding Machine
Cutters Get Dull
Sharp Cutters Produce Better Surfaces
Cutters Kept Well Sharpened Wear Longer
A CUTTER grinding machine provides a quick and easy means of sharpening cutters. In the course of a short time it will pay for itself in any shop. Your production will be greater and your cutter bills less.
No. 3 Universal Gutter and Reamer Grinding Machine
Capacity: 18" between centres; grinds cutters and shell reamers, not exceeding 6" diameter and 7" length.
Formed Gutter Grinding Attachment
For No. 2 Gutter Grinding Machine and
No. 3 Universal Gutter and Reamer Grinding Machine
Capacity: Centres swing 4¾" in diameter and take 10½" in length.