The following books are sent by mail on receipt of prices listed.
Construction and Use of Automatic Screw Machines
Edition of 1918
This book is published to assist those who are not familiar with the construction and use of the Automatic Screw Machine. Illustrated. Cardboard covers, price, 50 cents.
Construction and Use of Universal Grinding Machines
Edition of 1918
This work describes the construction and use of Universal Grinding Machines, as made by us. Illustrated. Cardboard covers, price, 25 cents.
Construction and Use of Plain Grinding Machines
Edition of 1918
This work describes the construction and use of Plain Grinding Machines, as made by us. Illustrated. Cardboard covers, price, 25 cents.
Practical Treatise on Gearing
Edition of 1915
This book, with its tables and illustrations, is written for those who wish to obtain practical explanations and directions in making Gear Wheels. Cloth covers, price, $1.00; Cardboard covers, price, 75 cents.
Formulas in Gearing
Edition of 1918
This work supplements the "Practical Treatise on Gearing" and contains formulas for solving the problems that occur in gearing. Cloth covers, price, $1.50.
Hand Book for Apprenticed Machinists
This book, illustrated, is for learners in the use of Machine Tools. The present edition has been carefully revised and enlarged*. Cloth covers, price, 50 cents.
Catalogs and Booklets
Any of the following catalogs or booklets are mailed free to any address on receipt of request:
General Catalog (Pocket size, blue covers)
Milling Machine Catalog
Screw Machine Catalog'
Gear Catalog
Small Tool Catalog
Cutter Catalog
Points About Grinding Wheels and Their Selection
(50-Page Booklet, Pocket Size)