who ask a certain fee payable in advance for registration. These offices generally take the fee and that is the last the stenographer hears of the agency. The other bureaus which offer to secure a position and then ask for one week's salary, payable by installments, are less objectionable. It is sometimes better to pay an employment bureau $2 per week for a month or so than it is to remain idle for several weeks and lose your shorthand and typewriting speed.
The Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Women's Christian Association also have employment bureaus in every city of importance and are always ready to place their services at the disposal of stenographers who can really do good work. Put an advertisement in the best paper in your town or city, that you are a stenographer and in want of a position, and doubtless it will put you in touch with something. If you have to wait for a position practice all you can. Practice at the typewriter offices for an hour or so each day. Keep in close touch with your school and be ready to embrace the opportunity for employment when it comes. Use all the opportunities within your grasp to obtain a position; keep a sharp lookout, and you will soon find yourself in a lucrative and congenial situation.