Margins in Note-Book. It will be found a good plan to leave a fair margin on the left-hand side of your note-book. It not only affords a better hold of the note-book when taking dictation on the corner of a desk or on your knee, but it permits of an available space for the insertion of matter omitted for the moment by the dictator. Few business men dictate connectedly and in the proper order exactly what they wish to say. They often desire to interpolate, and in such cases the margin on the left of the note-book will be found very useful.
Take an Interest in Your Employer's Affairs. By this we do not mean that you should be inquisitive, but learn as much about the business as you can. The stenographer's position is one that offers opportunity in this respect that no other affords, and the stenographer invariably becomes, if he keeps his eyes well open, almost indispensable to his employer. Take an interest, then, in what is going on around you; learn all you can about the business in which you are engaged; and as far as possible become a "perambulating encyclopedia" of information for your employer and for him alone. Never mention outside the office what happens within it.
Index and Date Your Note-Books. In some businesses, especially in legal offices, all note-books are filed away for future reference. In these cases