edge of its remarkable merits and resources. The lapse of time has in no wise diminished his faith in the system or in its future. As the first teacher of Gregg Shorthand in America, it has been a source of pride and satisfaction to him to watch its wonderful strides in popular favor, until today it is unquestionably more widely taught in this country than any other system. Its success, and the results accomplished by it, have vindicated the claims we made on its behalf when it was struggling for a footing, and this has naturally been a great gratification to us.
Its ease of acquirement, its common-sense basic principles, its rapidity, and its great legibility, are all factors which should not, and must not be overlooked. It is based on longhand principles, having the uniform slope and freedom of movement to which the hand is accustomed. But one position—on the line—is used and the characters are all light. It offers no difficulties that cannot be easily surmounted by the student of ordinary ability, and it has been proved by the test of years to be equal to all emergencies. It answers every requirement of a shorthand system without one-tenth of the difficulty which the older methods offer. Gregg Shorthand is modern and up-to-date.
Oftentimes students are discouraged because someone who writes a different system tells them that they have made a mistake. Now, it must be