clear to anyone of ordinary intelligence that the opinions of those who know but one system are absolutely worthless regarding the merits of other systems of which they know nothing. Upon investigation, it will be found that practical writers, reporters and teachers of all other systems have changed to the Gregg, and it is the only system of which this can be said. On the other hand, we have never known, in all our experience, any practical writer of the Gregg to change to another system. This, in itself, should be conclusive evidence that Gregg Shorthand possesses an inherent strength that makes it superior to all others.
In these days of keen commercial competition when men are struggling for supremacy, a young man starting out in life is very prone to ask: "What will I get out of shorthand?" Shorthand as an educational factor cannot be overestimated. It stimulates thought, creates mental alertness, and the requirements for facility of execution give a training almost unattainable in any other way. To catch the fleeting word, to record its shorthand symbol, and, then, with almost equal rapidity, to print its alphabetic equivalent on the typewriter, call for mental activity and harmony of thought and action required by hardly any other study.
The study of shorthand will increase the student's