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The Old Town Bridge Tower.

There are many other objects of interest in this part of the City f. i.

The Royal Garden adjoining the Royal Palace, the Belvedere of the Queen Anne, a famous masterpiece of Italian Architecture, the Strahov Monastery (a world known library and Picture gallery), with a magnificient view of the city from its gardens.

The limit of space does not permit of describing many other ancient and interesting buildings of the Old Prague. The traveller will find an exhaustive information in various official Guides of the City of Prague.[1]

The imperious necessities of the present are constantly sweeping aside some ancient landmark or flinging down the last traces of age worn buildings, which the antiquarian world fain preserve; yet enough is still left to enable the traveller to reconstruct in imagination the glory of a mediaeval City that was Prague.


Prague has all the qualities to charm, not only as a mediaeval city but also as one of the most handsome and progressive modern towns of Europe.

Many of the institutions founded in Prage in the course of the last Century are certain to interest American and British traveller.

One of the most important modern buildings is the Museum of the Kingdom of Bohemia on the upper area of the Václavské náměstí (St. Wenceslaus Square), not far from the modern hotels of “Archduke Stephen (Štěpán)“ and “Golden Goose“ (Zlatá husa) The Museum contains many valuable relics of the past of Bohemia and constitutes the most important monuments of the resurrection of Bohemian nation in the 19th Century. The largest room, so called “Pantheon“ is used for meetings of the Bohemian Academy of Letters, Science and Art.

The principal Art gallery and Concert Hall so called “Rudolphinum“, on the banks of Vltava and near the ancient Jewish Cemetery,

  1. We recommend the following: Guide to the Royal City of Prague and to the Kingdom of Bohemia 1906. Published for the City Council of Prague.
    The Kingdom of Bohemia. Prague. Published for the Bohemian Union for promoting visits of foreigners to the Kingdom of Bohemia.