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St. Nicolas Church.
contains a valuable collection of old and modern Bohemian Masters.

Opposite the “Rudolphinum“ is the Museum of Industrial Art. There is a splendid collection of arts and industry for which Bohemians have been famous, in porcelain, tiles, enamels, wood-carving etc., also a unique collection of Bohemian Glass.

In the Ethnographic Museum (Kinský Garden) are collections of brilliant peasant costumes, laces, embroideries, enamelling, pottery, unrivalled for rarity, extent and value. There are specimens of furniture from houses in various parts of Bohemia, Moravia, and Northern Hungary and models of peasant dwellings etc.

Of special interest to visitors is the Náprstek’s Bohemian Industrial Museum, founded by late Vojta Náprstek who has resided many years in the United States of America, and was one of the leaders of the national democratic movement in Bohemia. The Museum has largest English library in Middle Europe and there are here the rooms of the American Ladies Club.


With a population of circa 600.000 Prague is the second city in Austria and as a manufacturing center it is first in many lines. Prague is also the financial center of the Kingdom of Bohemia: two exchanges, fifteen great banks, branches of foreign banks, mutual credit banks, insurance companies have their seat here.

The municipalidy of Prague is constructing a modern system of sewerage which will drain the city and suburbs, and is building waterworks to supply pure drinking water for the inhabitants. The water will be brought a distance of about 18 miles. The 18,000,000 crowns lock and dam improvement on the Vltava will soon be completed, so boats coming direct from Hamburg or taking merchandise there need not unload en route.

Prague has a fine system of municipal street railways which has been extended until the trackage comprise 52 miles roadway leading practically to every part of the City. In 1910 these lines carried 49,500,000 passengers.

The City operates the electric light, gas, has a savings bank and undertaking department for funerals.