very God, Who deceivest not, but dost hate and punish deceivers. Thou art Almighty, and therefore whatsoever Thou wiliest, that straightway comes to pass.
But the simple and the devout, such as were the Apostles and the other disciples assembled at that time in the upper room. Thou dost visit and enlighten; and so Thou didst comfort and lovingly greet them with the words, "Peace be unto you: it is I, be not afraid."
I praise and honour Thee for Thy gentle and peaceful greeting of them after their distress which had been so great, and I clap my hands at the thought of a sight which must have been more than ever joyous as following so great trouble and alarm. They did indeed need to be visited, to be comforted, supported, and greeted anew. They had been lying under tribulations and temptations greater than they had ever before passed through; they had all fled like sheep when the shepherd of the flock was seized and put to death; and after having been scattered hither and thither they were so fearful and sad that, even now when it was late, they had only just taken heart to meet together and breathe again, as it were, once more.
I praise and magnify Thy sweet Name, O most loving Jesus, above all in heaven or on earth, for that Thou didst vouchsafe to show Thyself on this day to the terrified fugitives, to Thy unhappy and saddened Apostles, who had lost all heart, and no longer believed what Thou hadst so often told them about Thyself. But now Thou didst unspeakably gladden their hearts by friendly converse with them with Thy Own mouth: Thou didst put an end to all their doubt and fear by at once openly showing to them in Thy Hands and Feet and