sacred Side evident signs of Thy Passion: in their sight Thou didst eat some broiled fish and some honey-comb; and in order that they might have the joy of eating with Thee, Thou didst hand to them with Thy own Divine Hand that which was left: during the meal Thou didst cite Holy Scripture, didst solve their doubts and didst make hidden things plain; Thou didst enlighten their understanding, didst kindle their cold affections, and didst teach and explain to them what was needful and wholesome for them. Moreover, twice didst Thou give Thy peace to them with Thy heavenly blessing, so that they rejoiced with exceeding great joy at having seen the Lord their God, just as formerly, the Wise Men on seeing the Star in the heavens had rejoiced, and had at once cast aside all fear and doubt.
And presently, so as to strengthen them against all unbelieving gainsayers, and to blot out their misdeeds. Thou didst breathe upon them the grace of the Holy Spirit, saying to them: " Receive ye (given, as the greatest of all gifts, to you who for My Name's sake have forsaken the world) — receive ye the Holy Ghost: whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.'"
How great indeed was the grace given to the Apostles by the breathing upon them of the Holy Spirit by the Mouth of Christ rising from the dead by the glory of the Father, so that not only were they themselves made safe and absolved from all their sins, but also full power was given to them of absolving others from their sins, of repelling the unworthy, and of binding the guilty! How glorious was that day, how blessed was that evening hour when Jesus came to the Apostles