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those who are dear to me have ever done, and whatever afflictions we have suffered for thy glory. And in union with this sacrifice, and with all those which are offered to thee all over the world, I offer to thee this oblation, O Eternal Father, through thy beloved Son, in the power of the Holy Ghost, to thy supreme praise and glory, in acknowledgment of thy supreme Majesty and dominion, and in thanksgiving for all the benefits and graces thou hast ever bestowed on any creature, and in full reparation of every injury or insult ever offered to thee by any whom thy hands have made.

I offer it to thee for the increase of the joy and glory of the sacred Humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in worship and veneration of all the mysteries of his life and death, for the increase of the glory and blessedness of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the Saints, especially my holy Patrons, and those whose memory we this day celebrate.

Lastly, I offer it to thee on behalf of myself, a most miserable sinner, and for all my friends, whether in the order of nature or of grace [especially N.], and for all Christians living and departed [especially N.]; beseeching thee that thou wouldest deign to accept it as an adequate and sufficient thanksgiving for all the benefits and graces which thou hast ever bestowed on our bo-