dies and souls, to impart to us all the grace needful for us, to turn away from us all evil of body and of soul which might hinder our salvation, and to grant us perfect and entire remission of all our sins and negligences. For all these ends, I offer thee all the love with which Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord has ever loved thee, and all the satisfaction he has made to thee for our sins. Through him and with him and in him be all honour and glory unto thee, O God, Father Almighty, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen.
Here say Pater noster with the priest, and add the following prayer for the sins of the whole church. It was revealed to the Saint that this devotion is most pleasing to God.
O Most tender Jesus, I offer to thee this prayer in union with the most perfect intention with which thou didst sanctify it in thy sacred Heart and enjoin it for our salvation; for the forgiveness of all our sins and the supply of all the defects caused by our frailty, our ignorance, or our fault, in opposition to thine irresistible almightiness, thine unsearchable wisdom, and thy free and superabounding goodness. Amen.
Beseech our Lord to offer himself to God the Father as he does in every Mass, according to the revelation made to St Gertrude.