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fruit of my Incarnation, with all the love of my Heart, for the increase of that man's blessedness and glory.


HAIL, most glorious Body and most precious Blood of my Lord Jesus Christ, here truly present beneath these sacramental species; I adore thee with all that devotion and awe wherewith the nine choirs of angels worship and adore thee. I prostrate myself before thee in the spirit of humility, believing and professing that thou, my Lord and my God, are herein most truly contained.

Hail, most glorious Body of Jesus Christ my Saviour, true Victim immolated upon the cross, I adore thee in union with that adoration with which thy Humanity adored thy Godhead, and I give thee thanks with all the love of all thy creatures, that thou dost deign to remain hidden in this tabernacle for our salvation.

Hail,compassionate Jesus, Word of the Father, Brightness of his glory, Ocean of pity, Salvation of the world, most august and sacred Victim. Hail, Jesus Christ, Splendour of the Father, Prince of Peace, Gate of Heaven, True Bread, Son of the Virgin, Shrine of the Godhead.

I most firmly believe that thou, my God, art here present, and that thou art looking out upon me from behind the veil of the