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sacrament, and dost behold all the most secret recesses of my heart. I believe that under this species of bread are contained not only thy Flesh and thy Blood, but also thy Divinity and thy Humanity. And although this mystery surpasses my understanding, I nevertheless believe it so firmly that I am ready to give my life and my blood in defence of its truth.

I fall down before thee with most profound reverence, O most Holy Sacrament, and with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominations, with Cherubim and Seraphim, and with all the glorious array of the heavenly host, I sing to thy glory, saying: Blessed a thousand, yea, ten thousand fold, be the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar!

O thou most intimate and tender Love of the Father's Heart, I give thee thanks, in union with the ineffable mutual thanksgiving and gratitude of the three adorable Persons of the glorious and most worshipful Trinity, that thou hast condescended to institute this priceless Sacrament, by which heaven and earth are made one, and both are unceasingly filled with the infinite treasures of thy grace.

I glorify and magnify thy wise and tender almightiness; I praise and adore thy almighty and gentle wisdom; I bless and praise thine almighty and most wise and gentle love, O Christ Jesus, for that thou