hast condescended to devise and hast been strong to institute this ineffably magnificent Sacrament to be the strength and the succour of our salvation.
O Christ Jesus, thou faithful and only Trust of my soul, I praise thee, I love thee, I worship and adore thee; and I humbly implore thee, that as thou didst offer thyself once upon the cross for the sin of the whole world, so thou wouldest now deign to offer thyself to God the Father for my exceeding sins.
O Christ Jesus, my sweetest and only Love, look with the eyes of thy compassionate mercy on me, a most miserable singer, here prostrate before thee and imploring with my whole heart the forgiveness of my sins.
O thou princely Flower from the Root of Jesse, by the unutterable love of thy most sweet heart have mercy on me, and receive me into thy favour, for the glory of thy Name.
O most loving Father, I offer to thee this thy beloved Son as a holocaust of unceasing praise, and as a perpetual sacrifice of propitiation for all our sins. Look, I beseech thee, on the face of thy Christ, and remember that most abundant satisfaction which he made to thee for our sins on the cross, and have mercy on us. Amen.