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Let the excessive love thou bearest to man bless thee: and the profuse bounty of thy most tender kindness praise thee.

Let the subduing force of thy exuberant sweetness bless thee: and the fulness of bliss which awaiteth thy chosen in thee praise thee.

Let the sublimity of thy dignity bless thee: and thy calm, everlasting unchangeableness praise thee.

Let the Godhead of thy most royal Trinity, the oneness of Essence and the distinctness of persons, bless thee for me: and thy sweet mutual indwelling and love, thy glorious and consummate felicity, praise thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: and glory to the Queen of heaven, with all the multitude of the heavenly hierarchy, for ever. Amen.


ACCEPT, O Holy Trinity, the desires my lips have uttered and the glowing love of my heart has inspired, to set forth and praise thy magnificence. I offer them to thee in union with the ineffable praise which the three Persons of thy adorable Godhead offer one to another in manner and degree far above human comprehension. And so far as in me lies, cast my heart as a most worthless grain of incense into the golden censer of thy Divine Heart, where-