in burns evermore to thy honour and glory the sweetest frankincense of eternal love; earnestly desiring and beseeching thee that, vile and unworthy as it is, it may be enkindled by the breath of thy spirit and consume away in thy worship and praise; and that the deep sighs I breathe towards thee from this valley of tears, because my hope is so long deferred, may be to thee an endless praise and glory. Amen.
O HEIGHT inaccessible of wondrous power! O unfathomable depth of hidden wisdom! O boundless breadth of much - desired love! None but thyself can worthily praise thee, for thou alone knowest thine infinite magnificence, and thou knowest how thou oughtest to be praised. Wherefore, O Lord my God, may thine eternal Godhead, thy uncircumscribed Majesty, and thine infinite goodness, praise thee for me. O Lord my God, may thy loftiest wisdom, thy widest and most ample mercy, and thy most profound justice, praise thee for me. May thy greatness without limits, thy exquisite and penetrating sweetness, and thy most compassionate kindness, praise thee for me.
May all the names, all the titles, all the emblems, which can be said of thee or conceived of thee,