salvation of men, earnestly craving every good gift needful to men for thy glory and for their salvation.
O good Jesus, I sigh unto thee in union with all the prayer which has ever gone forth from thy divine Heart, and from the hearts of all saints, for all the faithful, living and departed. Amen.
When, our Lord, at the request of St. Gertrude, had presented this oblation to God the Father, she appeared clothed, in garments of white and red, with ornaments of wonderful richness. And, indeed, this prayer is of singular efficacy, and should be frequently repeated.
O Most compassionate Jesus, since by reason of thine unsearchable wisdom thou knowest the extent of human frailty more clearly and fully than I or any one can know it, I implore thee to have manifold compassion on my manifold frailty, and to vouchsafe to supply all my defects and shortcomings. Offer to thy most gracious Father, O pitiful Jesus, the most becoming silence of thy holy lips, in expiation of all the sin I have committed, and in supply of all the good I have omitted, by vain and frivolous conversation. Offer, O good Jesus, the modesty of thy most holy ears, for all the sins I have committed by hearing. Offer also the reserve of thy eyes, for all the stains which I have con-