tracted by wandering and forbidden looks. Offer the caution and deliberation of thy Hands and thy Feet, for all the sins which I have committed in my daily actions or in my daily walk. Lastly, O most loving Jesus, offer to his glorious Majesty thy deified Heart, for all the sins which I have committed by thought, will, or desire. Amen.
St Gertrude said to our Lord on Master Day: Teach me, O thou gentlest Teacher, how I may most devoutly praise thee in the Alleluia. She received this answer: You may well and suitably praise vie by uniting your intention in the following manner to that of the heavenly host, who unceasingly sing Alleluia to my glory.
I PRAISE thee, O my Jesus, in union with that all-transcending praise wherewith all thy saints extol, in rapturous harmony, the thrilling influx of thy Divinity into thy deific Humanity, new that it is transfigured in unfading glory, in reward of the manifold bitterness of the Passion and Death thou didst endure for man's salvation.
I praise thee, O my Jesus, in union with that all-transcending praise, wherewith all thy saints extol the ravishing delight of that glad everlasting spring, wherein the eyes of thy Humanity feast in the green pastures of the one, whole, supreme, and undivided Trinity.
I praise thee, O my