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Prevention and Control of Disease (Use of Vaccines) Regulation

L.N. 258 of 2020

Section 7

7. Use of vaccine

(1) Regulations 36(1) and 38(1) of, and paragraph 12 of Schedule 5 to, Cap. 138A (relevant provisions) do not apply in relation to—

(a) the supply by a person of a non-registered vaccine to the Government under a Government contract; or
(b) the possession by a person of a non-registered vaccine for the purpose of the performance (by that person or another person) of a Government contract.

(2) The relevant provisions do not apply in relation to the use of an authorized vaccine for a specified purpose.

(3) If authorized vaccines are administered to recipients in Hong Kong for a specified purpose, the Secretary must put in place a mechanism for monitoring any adverse event occurred to the recipients associated with the administration of the vaccines.

(4) In this section—

Government contract (政府合約) means a contract to which the Government is a party.

8. Authorized vaccine to be administered with informed consent

(1) Each person who is responsible for administering an authorized vaccine to a recipient for a specified purpose must ensure that, before the vaccine is so administered—

(a) the following person has been informed that the vaccine is authorized under this Regulation instead of registered and of any other information as may be specified by the Secretary—
(i) the recipient; or