Page:Prevention and Control of Disease (Use of Vaccines) Regulation (Cap. 599K).pdf/9

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Prevention and Control of Disease (Use of Vaccines) Regulation

L.N. 258 of 2020

Section 9

(ii) if the recipient is not legally capable of giving consent to the administration of the vaccine (relevant consent)—a person who is legally capable of giving the relevant consent on the recipient’s behalf; and
(b) the person referred to in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii), as the case requires, has given the relevant consent.

(2) For the purposes of this section, a person is responsible for administering an authorized vaccine to a recipient if—

(a) the person administers the vaccine to the recipient; or
(b) the person is a registered medical practitioner who supervises the administration of the vaccine to the recipient.

(3) Subsection (1) does not affect any other duty imposed by law or otherwise on a person who is responsible for administering an authorized vaccine.

9. Advisory panel

(1) The Chief Executive may appoint a panel of persons who are considered by the Chief Executive to have relevant expertise for advising the Secretary for the purposes of section 3(3), 4(1) or 6(1).

(2) A member of the advisory panel is not civilly liable for an act done or omitted to be done by the member in good faith in relation to the giving of advice for the purposes of section 3(3), 4(1) or 6(1).

(3) Subsection (2) does not affect any liability of the Government for the act or omission referred to in that subsection.