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Chapter XV. Of Profits. Page § 1. Profits resolvable into three parts; interest, insurance, and wages of superintendence495 2. The minimum of profits; and the variations to which it is liable498 3. Differences of profits arising from the nature of the particular employment500 4. General tendency of profits to an equality502 5. Profits do not depend on prices, nor on purchase and sale508 6. The advances of the capitalist consist ultimately in wages of labour510 7. The rate of profit depends on the Cost of Labour512 Chapter XVI. Of Rent. § 1. Rent the effect of a natural monopoly516 2. No land can pay rent except land of such quality or situation, as exists in less quantity than the demand517 3. The rent of land consists of the excess of its return above the return to the worst land in cultivation519 4. —or to the capital employed in the least advantageous circumstances522 5. Is payment for capital sunk in the soil, rent, or profit?525 6. Rent does not enter into the cost of production of agricultural produce530 BOOK III. EXCHANGE. Chapter I. Of Value. § 1. Preliminary remarks535 2. Definitions of Value in Use, Exchange Value, and Price537 3. What is meant by general purchasing power538 4. Value a relative term. A general rise or fall of values a contradiction540 5. The laws of Value, how modified in their application to retail transactions541