Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/45

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imprisonment which is provided by the act of Assembly; therefore, though I believe it my duty to impose upon you the full sentence provided by the act of Assembly, still, I feel it is but reasonable in itself,

"Sentence.The sentence of the Court is, therefore, that you pay a fine of Five Hundred Dollars, and undergo an imprisonment in the Philadelphia County Prison for the term of one year.

"Hon. Wm. S. Peirce, Presiding.
"Philadelphia, January 22nd, 1870."

He was so sorry that he could not extend the penalty; he told my wife he would like to give me $5000 fine and five years imprisonment, which was in keeping with his ruling out of my lawful evidence, and misconstruing the law to the Jury. I saw he was sorry that he had not the power to pronounce the death penalty upon me. The infinite Creator is competent to give him justice, if he did not give it to me. It is astounding how prejudice will carry some men beyond their manhood!