Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/46

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As an Ex-Judge—O. G. Chase—of West Virginia, wrote me after perusing my trial, so I have always felt; he said: "Dr. Landis, there is nothing either in your book, 'Secrets of Generation,' or Trial of which you need ever be ashamed. The Court and prosecuting Attorney have thoroughly disgraced themselves."

The audacity of some rich men is shown in my landlord, of whom I have rented a public hall for the last seven years, and whom I have always paid the rent before it was due, except since in prison I owed him two months' rent, when he visited me and said: "I have not persecuted you any, you cannot say that." "Well then," said I, "will you please take half cash for your rent, until I come out of prison, or wait altogether until I come out, and save me from sacrificing my printing office." "No, sir, I want to be paid up in full, or if you give me good security I will wait a while," he responded. A fool or miser could ask no more.