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Proofs of the Enquiry into

Proofs os the Enquiry into



The Greek Language is generally allowed to be the Child of two very ancient Tongues, which were broken into several Dialects ; the old T»racian (spoke by the Thracians, the Pelafgi andfirst Inhabitants of Greece,) and the extensive Aramean Tongue that prevailed over the greatest Part of the East : The four Dialects of it were, the Egyptian, the Hebrew, the Arabic and Phenician. p. zgy (d) C6ncerning the Peloponnesus, Hecatœus 3°s- (.P) the Milesian says, ' That before the Greeks came ' there, it was wholly inhabited by barbarous 1 Nations (Egyptians, Asiatics and Thracians) ' and in a word, that almost all Greece was ' anciently a Settlement of Barbarians! Yet I know not with what Justice these first Inhabitants of Greece are called Barbarians by their Succeflbrs ; since to them they owed their Instruction in many of the Arts of Life, par ticularly in Mufic ; and to say the Truth, in Religion and Humanity. lhl3; (c) 'The greatest Proficients in the ancient Muc sic, fays Euftathius, were Thracians ; Orpheus, ' '

MuJ'œus and Thamyris. This Thracian Thamyris reigned in the Country about Mount

Athos, a Man of the same Manners and Designs with his Neighbour, the Ciconian Or* pheus.