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Homers Life and Writings.

ti o m e r x Life and Writings,


The Antiquity of the PELASGI is at- Se c t. tested by Euripides, in his Account of the XII. Change of the Name of the Greeks from Pe~ S<VW tafgi to Dandi. Great Danaus P. 296. A Fam'dfor hisfifty Daughters , came to Argos, 3 06. t» ctwzw old Inachus'j Town : Then made a Law, that the Inhabitants Call'd first Pelasgi, should from thenceforth take From him the Name of Danai. — And the Difference between the Phrygian ani Trojan Tongues is plainly evinced by the fol lowing Story. ■ The Goddess of Love having subjected all things to her Sway, Gods and Men, the Fowls of the. Air and Fish of the Sea, could yet never prevail upon three female Deities, Pallas^ Diana and Vesta: But as she had conquered all the other Gods, and particularly made Fa ther Jove do her frequent Homage, he resolved to make her seel the Power of mortal Charms In her Turn, and therefore struck her with the Love of Anchifes, of the Royal Blood of Troyi like a God in his Person, and therf tending Flocks upon Mount Ida. Venus j felt the melting Flame, hastened to Cyprus, entered the Papbian Temple, where the Graces

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