Page:Proofs of the Enquiry into Homer's Life and Writings.pdf/26

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Homers Life and Writings.

whom yet the Poet afterwards recounts among the Nations, Auxiliaries to Priam in Asia, and yet does not mention their having then crossed the Hellespont; to go to his Assistance.


All the Inhabitants of Greece went then constantly armed, because their Dwellings were not fortified, neither was there a safe Communication or peaceable Intercourse between one Tribe and another. {{float-right|Thucydides.

This hostile manner of Life is illustrated by Homer's Account of the Fortification of Thebes, by the Sons of Jupiter and Antiope:

P22. (p)/23. (o)

Two sons| she bore, Zethus and Amphion, Who founded first the Seat of seven-gate Thebes, And wall'd it round ; because unfortify'd, Tho' bold and strong, they could not dwellin Thebes.


Distinctions and Titles, other than those acquired by Merit, and bestow'd by general Con sent, have been long complained of by the best Writers.

26 (q) / 26 (p)

That idle Supplement of Worth, That vain Pretence to Fame, By vulgar Fools set forth

With Honor's sacred Name :