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Proofs of the Enquiry into


Proofs^ the Enquiry into

Sect. The empty Sound -which lulls Mankind, IK With fawning Titles, Flattery and Deceits Had not become a Tool of State, Nor ruled the Tyrant of the human Mind. GUARINI.

' All the ancient Poets wrote in the Lan-* p ^9- (0 ' guage which they suck'd in with their Milk; 5o- i1 ' * and did not seek foreign Tongues in order to ' express their sublime Conceptions.' Cervantes D. Quixote. P. ;o. (v) ' Lucilius, the first Roman Satyrist, who 30 If) ' wrote just as he spoke, has Admirers so devo' ted to him, that they do not stick to prefer ' him to all the Poets that ever were in thd ' World.' Qui n til ian.

- It is a most remarkable Saying of Plato's 33. (x) concerning the Bounds of our Capacity : " The 33~(u) " Human Genius, says he, is, if I may use the " " " " " -

Expression, clipped or coined into still a smaller Compass than what I have mentioned ; so as neither to be able to imitate many different things perfectly, nor to ab~l the things themselves, of which these Imitations are Copies or Resemblances."

Republ. Book 3.