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Homers Life and Writings.

H o m e ks Life and Wntings.


Great Jove, supreme of Gods, involv'd in Dung ^i^' Of Horse, and Sheep, and Mules ! «_ZzLj Instead of which, with more Dignity, Homer ? ^ ^ has turned it, Great Jove, supreme of Gods, who high enthrorid, Inhabits Ether, and compels the Clouds !

' 0RPHEUsi says Plutarch, appears not to (0. Aave imitated any Man.' He means as to a'A lw) his Music—But as for his Philosophy he sung The ineffable Necessity at first 89. pp Of hoary Chaos ; a6*tj all-teeming Time, 90- (y) /FJo couch'd in genial Furrows, numberless, Brought forth his first-born Ether ; and with him, Of double Nature fram'd, resplendent Love, Illustrious fromfar ; the Father fam'd Of everlasting Night : Him Sons of Men, Late coming into Being, Phanes caird, Because he first shone forth : Then deep in Gloom The Progeny ofpow'rful Proserpine. These first he fung ; and last, the baneful Deeds Of Giant-Monsters wild, who early drop'd From Heaven down their dire productive Seed, Whencesprung the Mortal Race that far andnear Sirespread incejj'ant o'er Earth's boundless Face. The two first of the following Lines are a part of the fame divine Poet's History of the Cre
