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Proofs of the Enquiry into


Proofs of the Enquiry into

Sect. VII. L~V_,*J

The History of the Invention of Arts has

p-9^- ()) employed many curious Pens. ' Some of the n- C O < Arts, according to Plato, discovered themselves '


_ Aid. CQ 5/2 (1) '

' '




to Dœdalus, some to Orpheus, some to Palamedes ; the Laws of Harmony were found out by Marsyas and Olympus ; and the Lyre by Amphion* Laws. Book 3. ' M us ic, according to Pliny, was invented by Amphion : The Pipe and common Flute by Pan, the Son of Mercury : The German Flute by Midas in Phrygia ; the double Flute by Marsyas in the same Country. The jLy<#an Measure was the Invention of Amphion ; the Dorian of the Tbracian Thamyras ; the Phrygian of Marsyas. A Lute was first framed by Amphion, others say by Orpheus, others by Linus : Terpander used it with seven Strings i Simonides added an eighth; Timotheus a ninth. lhamyras first played on the Lute without singing ; Amphion first sung to it, others say Linus : Terpander first composed songs to it. But Dardanus the Trazenian was the first Man who sung to a Flute.' Natural Hist. Book/.

Every Body knows that the greatest Ma sters in Music have each of them their peculiar
