Page:Public Order (Additional Temporary Measures) Act 2014.pdf/18

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NO. 12 OF 2014

(a) an individual whom the Commissioner or authorised officer (as the case may be) suspects, on reasonable grounds, to be committing or have committed an offence under section 4 or 8 wholly or partly in a special zone; or
(b) an individual whom the Commissioner or authorised officer (as the case may be) has reasonable cause to believe will conduct himself in a special zone in a manner that may increase the likelihood of, or prejudice the prevention of or preparedness against, any riot or other civil disturbance in the special zone or prejudice the recovery by the community in the special zone from the riot that occurred on 8th December 2013 or other riot or civil disturbance in the special zone, a written notice (referred to in this Act as a special zone banning notice) banning the individual, for a period specified in the notice, from the special zone or from all licensed premises in the special zone.

(2) The period specified in a special zone banning notice must not exceed 30 days starting from the time the notice is given to the individual.

(3) In determining whether a special zone banning notice in relation to a special zone should be given under this section to an individual referred to in subsection (1), the Commissioner or authorised officer concerned must have regard to each of the following:

(a) whether the individual is likely to continue to commit an offence, or to commit a further offence, under section 4 or 8 in the special zone;
(b) whether the giving of the special zone banning notice would be an effective and reasonable way of preventing the individual from continuing to commit an offence under section 4 or 8, or committing a further offence under section 4 or 8 in the special zone;
(c) whether the continuation of the commission of an offence under section 4 or 8, or committing a further offence under section 4 or 8 in the special zone may involve or give rise to a risk of riot, civil disturbance or any other violence in the special zone;