Page:Public Order (Additional Temporary Measures) Act 2014.pdf/19

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(d) whether the conduct in the special zone that the individual is reasonably suspected of may increase the likelihood of, or prejudice the prevention of or preparedness against, any riot or other civil disturbance in the special zone or prejudice the recovery by the community in the special zone from the riot that occurred on 8th December 2013 or other riot or civil disturbance in the special zone.

(4) If the Commissioner or an authorised officer intends to give a special zone banning notice to an individual, the Commissioner or authorised officer does not need to first give the individual an opportunity to be heard.

(5) Every special zone banning notice must contain all of the following particulars:

(a) the name, residence and identification particulars of the individual to whom the notice applies;
(b) the special zone to which it relates, the time when the notice is given to the individual and the specified period for which the notice applies;
(c) whether the notice bans the individual from the special zone or only from licensed premises in the special zone;
(d) whether the notice is absolute or with exceptions and if it is with exceptions, the details of the conditions or circumstances under which the individual may enter or remain in the special zone.

(6) Notwithstanding anything in this Act or any special zone banning notice, a special zone banning notice for a special zone specified in the notice shall not operate to prevent the individual subject to the notice from entering or remaining in, or attempting to enter or remain in—

(a) for a special zone banning notice that bans the individual from the special zone—the special zone or any licensed premises in the special zone for the purpose of the individual residing in or attending to the individual’s usual place of residence or work in the special zone;