Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/21

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gian University in Christiania; M. L. Lartet's 'Essai sur la Geologie de la Palestine et des Conferees avoisinantes the fourth and fifth parts of M. Laube's ' Fauna der Schichten von St. Cassian Prof. Ansted's ' Physical Geography and Geology of Leicestershire ;' the continuation of M. Barrande's ' Systeme Silurien du Centre de la Boheme ;' M. Belgrand's 'Le Bassin Parisien aux Ages Antehistoriques Sir John Lubbock's ' Prehistoric Times Mr. Seeley's ' Ornithosauria, an elementary study of the Bones of Pterodactyles ;' the continuation of M. Stoppani's ' Paleontologie Lombarde M. Eugene Eudes-Deslongchamps's 'Notes Paleontologiques Prof. Gould's ' Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts,' presented by the Editor, W. G. Binney, Esq. ; the continuation of Prof. Hall's ' Palaeontology of New York and Mr. Safford's ' Geology of Tennessee.'

From Mrs. Hamilton, the widow of the late W. J. Hamilton, Esq., the Society received an immense collection of tracts, with permission to select such as might be wanting in the Society's Library. A great number of valuable treatises have been thus added to the Library ; and the Society is deeply indebted to Mrs. Hamilton for the liberality thus displayed by her.

Many Maps and Plans have been added to the Society's Collection; they include the Maps of Geological Surveys of Queensland (Cape River Gold-field and Canal-Creek Diggings), Hesse (Sect. Alsfeld), Sweden (5 sheets), Prussia and Thuringia (6 sheets), Austria (2 sheets), and Switzerland (3 sheets and a sheet of sections) ; also M. Delesse's ' Carte lithologique de 1'Embouchure de la Seine Mr. Lapham's 'Geological Map of Wisconsin;' a Sketch-map of the Geology of New Zealand, by Dr. James Hector ; and a geologically coloured Map of Lundy Island, prepared and presented by N. Whitley, Esq. Prof, von Dechen's ' Geologische Karte von Deutschland ' has been purchased for the Library.

Numerous Maps published by the Ordnance Survey, and Maps, Charts, and Plans published by the French Depot de la Marine, have also been presented ; and 2 Maps of South Africa, by Mr. Henry Hall, have been purchased.


The Collections in the Museum remain in good condition, and several portions of .them have been consulted by foreign geologists during the past year. Very few additions have been made to the collections, the principal being, numerous specimens of Corals from the South-Australian Tertiaries, in illustration of Dr. Duncan's paper and presented by him and Fossils and Casts of Fossils from the Newer Tertiaries of Suffolk, presented by E. Ray Lankester, Esq., in illustration of his paper on those deposits.