Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/22

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Comparative Statement of the Number of the Society at the close of the years 1869 and 1870.

Dec. 31, 1869. Dee. 31, 1870.

Compounders 210 218

Contributing Fellows 511 533

Non-Contributing Fellows 420 412

1141 1163

Honorary Members 3 3

Foreign Members 39 39

Foreign Correspondents 39 40

1222 1245

General Statement explanatory of the Alteration in the Number of Fellows, Honorary Members, &c., at the close of the years 1869 and 1870.

Number of Compounders, Contributing and Non- contributing Fellows, December 31, 1869 1141

Add Fellows elected during former year, 9 and paid in 1870

Add Fellows elected and paid in 1870 42


Deduct Compounders deceased 4

Contributing Fellows deceased 9

Non-contributing Fellows deceased 8

Contributing Fellows resigned 5

Contributing Fellows removed 3



Number of Honorary Members, Foreign Members, and Foreign Correspondents, 81

December 31, 1869

Add Foreign Member elected 1

Foreign Correspondents elected 2


Deduct Foreign Member deceased 1

Foreign Correspondent elected Foreign Member 1