Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/738

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in the construction of the Albert Dock, 237.

Ice-scratches at Reit-Poort, S. Africa, 541.

Ichthyosaurus enthekiodon, 440.

— gaudensis, 29.

Ichthyosaurus, Mr. J. W. Hulke on an, from Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset, 440.

Iguanodon, Mr. J. W. Hulke on a skull from Brooke, Isle of Wight, probably referable to the genus, 199.

Inanda flats, section from the coast to, 59.

India and South Africa, comparison of Cretaceous series in, 68.

India, Northern, Mr. T. Login on the most recent geological changes of the rivers and plains of, 451.

Intrusive bosses, sheets, dykes, and veins in the island of Eigg, 294.

Ireng river, section across, 421.

Ischyodus orthorhinus, 275.

Isle of Wight, Mr. J. W. Hulke on a large reptilian skull from Brooke, 199.

—, Punfield formation in the, 217.

—, section of the Punfield formation in the, 213.

Izinhluzabalungu caves, 61 ; deposits, fauna of, 62.

Jamieson, T. P., Esq., on the older metamorphic rocks and granite of Banffshire, 101.

Jones, Prof. T. Rupert, notes on specimens from South Africa, 49-52.

Judd, J. W., Esq., on the Punfield formation, 207.

Jurassic formations of South Africa, 497.

Kaffraria, British, denudation in, 543.

Kaga mountains, 543.

Karakanang valley, section across, 421.

Karoo beds, configuration and origin of the, 535 ; denudation of the, 538 ; formation, 523 ; of Natal, 57 ; specimens from the, 49, 50.

Katberg, 539 ; sections through, 537.

Kat river, sections through, 537.

Kessingland, section in cliff between, and Pakefield, 463.

Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset, Mr. J. W. Hulke on a fragment of a Teleosaurian snout from, 442.

— , Mr. J. W. Hulke on an Ichthyosaurus from, 440.

Kingsmill, Thomas W., Esq., on the probable origin of deposits of " Loess" in North China and Eastern Asia, 376.

Klaas-Smit's river, section at the source of, 531.

Kloppersfontein, section through, 537.

Koega Kopjes, section through, 515.

Koega river, sandstones on the, 505 ; section through the, 515.

Krantzkop mountain, section through the, 57.

Kroome mountains, 543.

Lamellibranchiata, Mr. J. L. Lobley on the principal features of the stratigraphical distribution of the British fossil, 411.

Leperditia? cambrensis, 401.

Level, Mr. J. J. Murphy on the connexion of volcanic action with changes of (Abstract), 108.

Lias, Lower, Rhaetic beds, and New Red Marl, Prof. A. C. Ramsay on the physical relations of the, 189.

Lias, Sir P. G. Egerton, on a new Chimaeroid fish from the, of Lyme Regis, 275.

Lingulella primoeva, 401.

Lithodomous mollusca, Sir W. C. Trevelyan on supposed borings of, 231.

Lobley, J. Logan, Esq., on the principal features of the stratigraphical distribution of the British fossil Lamellibranchiata, 411 .

Loess, Mr. T. W. Kingsmill on the probable origin of deposits of, in North China and Eastern Asia, 376.

Login, T., Esq., on the most recent geological changes of the rivers and plains of Northern India, founded on accurate surveys and the artesian well-boring at Umballa, to show the practical application of Mr. Login's theory of the abrading and transporting power of water to effect such changes, 451.

Longmynd rocks of St. David's, fossils from the, 399.

Lower Albany, specimens from the Carboniferous rocks of, 50.

Lower Eocene of Portsmouth, Mr. H. Woodward on some new crustaceans from the, 90.

Lower Lias, Rhaetic beds and New Red Marl, Prof. A. C. Ramsay on the physical relations of the, 189.

Lower Sunday's river, sections on the, 500.