Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/739

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Lower Tertiary deposits recently exposed at Portsmouth) Mr. C. J. A. Meyer on, 74.

Lulworth Cove, 217.

Lycopodites, 274.

Lyme Regis, Sir P. G. Egerton on a Chimaeroid fish from the Lias of, 275.

Lynton Grey-beds, North Devon, Dr. F. Royston Fairbank on the discovery of a " bone-bed " in the lowest of the (title only), 33.

McLoughlin's Bluff, 500 ; section from Zwartkops river to, 515.

Malaga, D. M. d'Orueta on some points in the geology of the neighbourhood of, 109.

Mammalian remains from the forest- bed of Norfolk, 466 ; of the Coralline Crag of Suffolk, 132.

Map of the geology of British Guiana, 420 ; of the island of Eigg, 286 ; of the Newhaven Tertiary outliers, 265; showing position of sections at Dordrecht, on the Upper Zwart Kei and at Klaas-Smit's river, 531.

Metals of Natal, 70.

Metamorphic rocks and granite of Banffshire, Mr. T. E. Jamieson on the, 101.

Mewps Bay, 217.

Meyer, C. J. A., Esq., on Lower Tertiary deposits recently exposed at Portsmouth, 74.

Mica-schists of Natal, 55.

Microdiscus sculptus, 400.

Minerals of Strontian, Argyllshire, Mr. E. H. Scott on the, 372.

Mitchell, W. Stephen, Esq., on the denudation of the Oolites of the Bath district, with a theory on the denudation of Oolites generally, 228.

Modder-drift, 503.

Mollusca, list of, from the Red and Norwich Crags, 480.

—, lithodomous, Sir W. C. Trevelyan on supposed borings of, 231.

— of the Coralline Crag of Suffolk, 126, 137.

Moraines of the Katberg, 539.

Morvenite, 373.

Mundesley, section of the Westleton beds near, 467.

Murphy, Joseph John, Esq., on the connexion of volcanic action with changes of level (Abstract), 108.

Natal, South Africa, Mr. C. L. Griesbach on the geology of, 53.

Neocomian and Cretaceous, unconformity of the, in the south of England, 221.

Neocomian and Wealden, thinning out of the, in the south of England, 222.

—, Cretaceous, and Wealden, of the south of England, relations of the Punfield formation to the, 221.

Newhaven, Mr. W. Whitaker on the cliff-sections of the Tertiary beds at, 265.

New Red Marl, Rhaetic beds, and Lower Lias, Prof. A. C. Ramsay on, the physical relations of the, 189.

Noeggerathia gilboensis, 273.

Norfolk and Suffolk, Mr. J. Prestwich on the Crag -beds of, with some observations on their organic remains. — Part I. The Coralline Crag of Suffolk, 115.

— —. Part II. The Red Crag of Essex and Suffolk, 325.

— —. Part III. The Norwich Crag and Westleton beds, 452.

Normandy, Mr. W. Whitaker on the cliff- sections of the Tertiary beds west of Dieppe in, 263.

Northampton, Mr. W. D. Herman on a mineral allied to allophane found at, 234.

Norwich, Thorpe pit, section in, 456 ; fossils from, 456; Bishopford bridge, section at, 469.

Nubian Sandstone, Mr. E. Tate on the age of the, 404.

Old Grahamstown road, section at, 498, 499.

Old Red Sandstone, Prof. Ramsay on the, 241.

Oolites of the Bath district, Mr. W. Stephen Mitchell on the denudation of the, with a theory on the denudation of Oolites generally, 228.

Oolithes bathonica, 447.

— obtusatus, 447.

— sphoericus, 447.

Orange river, section from Alexandria to the, 537 ; table of elevations from Eland's Post to the banks of the, near Aliwal, 548.

Orange valley, crystalline rocks from, 50.

Orford, section of a pit on Broom hill, near, 122 ; fossils from the Coralline Crag near, 123.

Orueta, D. M. d', on some points in the geology of the neighbourhood of Malaga, 109.

Pakefield, section in cliff between Kes-