Afar they floated on the zephyr's wing:
No triumph now would Coh to Mayas bring.
Disconsolate, the Queen in anguish cried:
"Would that I had with my beloved died!
Why tarry here? My soul entreats release!
I too will sleep on Death's soft couch of peace."
From thought so weak, by Nicté she was freed
And tottering reason saved from foolish deed.
Then came the date of Mu, the thirteenth day,
When hearts of noble men were laid away.
Where sacred fire had liberated Coh,
The people once again were lost in woe.
Beneath the earth, shut close in virgin urn,
Wherein it safe would bide the soul's return,
The heart of hero slain was put to rest
By those who in its love were more than blest.
Before the marble lid closed o'er the urn,
Upon that heart for which she'd ever yearn
The widowed Queen with loving homage laid
Her Talisman, at Cay's order made;
By his strong will invested for her sake
With qualities she ever might partake.
Thus from the day this gift became her own,
When she'd been warned its loss might her dethrone,
The gem had nestled close about her heart.
But now, most eager she with this to part;
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