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Page:Queen Moo's talisman; the fall of the Maya empire (IA queenmoostalisma00leplrich).djvu/70

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For Cay had affirmed its force could bind
Two souls thro' time, if she the way would find.
Coh gone, could Móo rejoice on sovereign throne?
Ah no! far rather than a Queen alone,
A fugitive she'd be in boundless space,
Assured she would at last behold his face.

When talisman touched heart, a great calm fell
O'er Móo; to think they would together dwell
Once more, they two, within her mind distilled
A solace sweet that all her being filled.
Should earth recall them, as in time it must,
Each would the other seek in perfect trust;
From spheres of bliss, if parted, they would strive
To meet again and keep love's pain alive.

Close by the urn a counterpart of Coh
Was set; as long as that endured below,
Desiring thus, he could to earth return
If e'er his soul for mortal life should yearn.
Walled close around, cut from a solid block,
That statue could the fleeting ages mock.
Secure from tempest and from mortal eyes,
This form Coh's will alone might bid arise.
The pose it had been given showed regal state,
The boundary lines of Maya Empire great;
Where Cans, for justice famed, long ruled; rich land
Of men renowned for actions brave and grand.