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and Precht[1] and others. As far as observation has gone at present, this rate of emission of heat is continuous and unchanged with lapse of time. Therefore, 1 gram of radium emits in the course of a day 2400, and in the course of a year 876,000 gram-calories. The amount of heat evolved in the union of hydrogen and oxygen to form 1 gram of water is 3900 gram-calories. It is thus seen that 1 gram of radium emits per day nearly as much energy as is required to dissociate 1 gram of water.

In some later experiments using 0·7 gram of pure radium bromide, P. Curie[2] found that the temperature of the radium indicated by a mercury thermometer was 3° C. above that of the surrounding air. This result was confirmed by Giesel, who obtained a difference of temperature of 5° C. with 1 gram of radium bromide. The actual rise of temperature observed will obviously depend upon the size and nature of the vessel containing the radium.

During their visit to England in 1903 to lecture at the Royal Institution, M. and Mme Curie performed some experiments with Professor Dewar, to test by another method the rate of emission of heat from radium at very low temperatures. This method depended on the measurement of the amount of gas volatilized when a radium preparation was placed inside a tube immersed in a liquefied gas at its boiling point. The arrangement of the calorimeter is shown in Fig. 97.

Fig. 97.

The small closed Dewar flask A contains the radium in a glass tube R, immersed in the liquid to be employed. The flask A is surrounded by another Dewar bulb B, containing the same liquid, so that no heat is communicated to A from the outside. The gas liberated in the tube A is collected in the usual way over water or mercury, and its volume determined. By this method, the rate of heat emission of the radium was found to be about the same in

  1. Runge and Precht, Sitz. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, No. 38, 1903.
  2. P. Curie, Société de Physique, 1903.