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boiling carbon dioxide and oxygen, and also in liquid hydrogen. Especial interest attaches to the result obtained with liquid hydrogen, for at such a low temperature ordinary chemical activity is suspended. The fact that the heat emission of radium is unaltered over such a wide range of temperature indirectly shows that the rate of expulsion of α particles from radium is independent of temperature, for it will be shown later that the heating effect observed is due to the bombardment of the radium by the α particles.

The use of liquid hydrogen is very convenient for demonstrating the rate of heat emission from a small amount of radium. From 0·7 gram of radium bromide (which had been prepared only 10 days previously) 73 c.c. of gas were given off per minute.

In later experiments P. Curie (loc. cit.) found that the rate of emission of heat from a given quantity of radium depended upon the time which had elapsed since its preparation. The emission of heat was at first small, but after a month's interval practically attained a maximum. If a radium compound is dissolved and placed in a sealed tube, the rate of heat emission rises to the same maximum as that of an equal quantity of radium in the solid state.

245. Connection of the heat emission with the radiations. The observation of Curie that the rate of heat emission depended upon the age of the radium preparation pointed to the conclusion that the phenomenon of heat emission of radium was connected with the radio-activity of that element. It had long been known that radium compounds increased in activity for about a month after their preparation, when they reached a steady state. It has been shown (section 215), that this increase of activity is due to the continuous production by the radium of the radio-active emanation, which is occluded in the radium compound and adds its radiation to that of the radium proper. It thus seemed probable that the heating effect was in some way connected with the presence of the emanation. Some experiments upon this point were made by Rutherford and Barnes[1]. In order to measure the small amounts of heat emitted, a form of differential air calorimeter shown in Fig. 98 was employed. Two equal glass flasks

  1. Rutherford and Barnes, Nature, Oct. 29, 1903. Phil. Mag. Feb. 1904.