"No other living man could have penned such a work as this. The immortal tenth chapter, concerning sex after death, is alone worth a hundred ordinary books."
This is unquestionably the most important monograph on Mediumship ever yet published in any country on the globe.
How to obtain the Phenomena in all its Phases. Conglomerate Mediumship. New and Startling Doctrine of Mixed Identities. A hand-book of White Magic. Explicit forms for all Phases of Cabalistic, Incantatory, and Thaumaturgic Science and Practice.
White Magic an actual fact. Identification of the dead. Conditions essential to their reappearance. Essentials of Mediumship and Clairvoyance. Blonde and Brunette Media. Curious reasons. A vast discovery of inestimable importance. Conglomerate Circles. The Yu-yang. Psychic Force. Medial Aura. Spanning the Gulf of Eternity! Electric People. To get the Phenomena when alone. Odyllic Insulation. To form a splendid Circle. Double Circles and new arrangement of the sitters. Materialization of Spirits, and how to bring it about! The Phantom hand of Toledo. The Spirit-room. Machinery essential to Physical Manifestations! An Astounding Idea—ATRILISM! Mergement of Identities—A dead one walks, talks, eats, drinks, and does what it chooses while occupying another's body, while the latter's soul is quiescent, and consciousness and identity wholly lost!—a most momentous problem, of enormous importance to every Physician, Judge, Juror, Minister, husband, wife, in short, to every human being. It is the most astounding thought yet evolved—as it accounts for much heretofore wholly unaccountable.
Part II.—How to Mesmerize. Clairvoyance. Psychometry—their differences. The Eastern Mystery of obtaining Seership. The Mystical Mirror—in a drop of common ink. The Breath-