Power. An Arab Secret. Magnetic Spells. "Voodo-ism" Black Magic. Price, postpaid, 60 cents per copy.
have Hearts. Price, $2.50. Postage free.SYNOPSIS.
Chapter I.—Love, Wealth, Power,—a mighty Lesson. The two Sphinxes: Woman, Fascination. True and False Love.—their lines of difference. Some very peculiar ideas about women. Female nature superior to male, and why. Test of a genuine Love. Passion-love. Curious notions of Noyes, Smith, Swedenborg, and some spiritualistic affinitists on love,—and bad ones,—some of them. "Women suffer less and are more cruel in love matters than men." Is it true? If so, why? Signs of a false love and a true one.
Chap. II.—The one great human want is love. Why? Happiness impossible without a love to crown life. Women worse off than men. She must have love or die! Men satisfied with Passion, but women never! Why? Magnetic attraction. Physical aspects of Love. Its celestial chemistry,—a grand secret and hint to every woman, and lover, and husband, too,—not to be neglected. One of Love's Hidden Mysteries, and a wonderful one. Conditions of Love. Why we are not loved. Divorce Sharpers. "Passional Attraction." The Miser on the Desert. A Wonderful Dream. Why a Seduced Wife can never be happy with her Seducer. The Laws of Amatory Passioné.
Chap. III.—Strange Love-origin of crime,—curious. Why a loved wife can never be Seduced. No wife who is loved can ever be led astray. Why no husband can prevent her going aside unless he does love her. A hint for Husbands,—and a terrible fact. A fallacy exploded. Marks of Love,—The Mystery of Mysteries! How wives are slain; how husbands make them false! Seduction by condolence! New readings of old words The quietus of Anti-