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The Reclaimed Lady of Pleaſure.

A Gentleman in the heat of ſummer, walking alone in the fields. contemplating with himſelf being extremely thirſty, ſtept into the firſt houſe that offered itſelf, and called for a cup of beer, ſeating himſelf in the firſt room next to the ſtreet. He had not ſat long. before two or three young wenches came ſkittiſhly in and out of the room; and ſeeing him a man of faſhion, they thought to make a booty of him, for it proved a common bawdy houſe. The youngeſt and handſomeſt of them intreated him not to be ſeen below, where every porter and common fellow come to drink, but to take a more convenient and retired room. The gentleman, ſuſpected the place yet being willing to ſee ſome faſhions took the gentle proffer and went up ſtairs; where they two being alone and a bed in the room, beer being brought up; ſhe began to offer him more than common courteſy being ſo far from modeſty, that ſhe almoſt proſtituted herſelf to him, which he apprehended, aſked her in plain terms. if theſe were not mere provocations to incite him to loſt, which ſhe as plainly confeſſed. To which he replied that he was willing to accept of her kind proffer only for modeſty's ſake he deſired her to ſhow him into a dark room. She led him thro' ſeveral rooms, but ſtill he told her that none of theſe were dark enough ; inſomuch that at laſt ſhe began to diſlike him, becauſe in all that time, he had not made her one friendly proffer. At length ſhe brought him into a cloſe narrow roon with nothing but a loop hole for light, and told him, Sir,