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Unleſs you propoſe to go into the coal-hole this is the darkeſt place in the houſe. How doth this pleaſe yow? To which he anſwered. Thou ſtrumpet, canſt thou bring me to a place into which the eye of heaven cannot pierce and ſee me, canſt thou perſuade me to act ſo deteſtable a crime and hated by all good men: for cannot the eye of heaven behold us here in our wickedneſs? Or ſays he art thou ſo irreligious to think religion but a dream or fable? yet he bid her conſider her ſtate in this life and what her beſt could be, a whore, the name odious the profeſſion abominable. and that ſhe was a ſink of ſin and diſeaſes ; that ſhe was a continual vaſſal to every conſtable and beadle. never certain of her lodging but in Bridewell. To conclude, he gave her ſuch a lecture that from an inpudent ſtrump he brought her to be a repenting convert; and ſhe appeared to him in her former ſimple and innocent life, and proteſted with tears that courſe of life was hateful to her, and had ſhe any friend or kinſman, that could propoſe her any meanſ to relinquiſh that trade, which in her ſoul the deteſted, ſhe would become a new woman, for from that hour, ſhe vowed chaſtity all her life-time. Upon enquiry of her birth and name, he found he had been acquainted with her father who had now been ſome time dead; but for his ſake, and her apparent tears, and ſeeming penitence, he told her if it lay in him, he would otherwiſe diſpoſe of her according to het wiſhes: and withal charged her, that if he ſent unto her within two days ſome money, and acquainted her where to come that ſhe ſhould attire herſelf as modeſtly as poſſibly ſhe could, and inſtantly repair