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poorly and dejected, that he was aſhamed to ſhew himſelf to any of his friends : but walked up and down by owl light having ſcarce a homely rag to cover him from nakedneſs, or hide him from ſhame.
It happened that juſt upon his return, the old man died too, and let her poſefſed of eight hundred a year during the minority of her children ; bet the third thereafter, and withal, ſo. great and good opinion had he of her, that he made her full executrix. Now juſt as ſhe was following the hearſe to the church, having divers ſuitors while her huſband's body was ſcarce cold! this gentleman by chance coming by like a picture of the prodigal, ſhe caſting her eye aſide had eſpied him, and preſently apprehended him to be the man he was and whiſpering a ſervant in the ear, þid him fall into diſcourſe with him, to enquire his name and lodging and ſo proceed to the funeral; but in any caſe to ſpeak nothing as from her. The ſervant fell off from the train and did as he was commanded and brought her true word how all things ſtood. The next morning by her appointment) came a gentleman very early to his lodging, ſhe having taught him his leſſon before hand who deſired to ſpeak with him, and firſt aſked his name, which tho' unwillingly he cold him ː the other proceeded, that if he was the man he pretended to be, he had heard of his birth and noble qualities and withal of his misforunes at ſea, and not willing that any gentleman ſhould groan under ſo great a burden, told him there was an hundred pounds and bade him furniſh himſelf with apparel, and other neceſſaries, and ſo was ready