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unto him at his firſt ſending ; and this being agreed betwixt them, for that time they parted.
The gentleman, wondrous careful of his undertaking becauſe ſhe was his new creature, came to a kinſwoman of his afar off, and told her there was a civil maid, a kinſwoman of his lately come from the country, who wanted ſervice, whom if ſhe pleaſed to entertain it might prove a great good to her, and no leſs a courteſy to him. This motion being accepted, ſhe was ſent for according to appointinent, and entertained. Her modeſt behaviour, and fair carriage, won her in a ſhort time the opinion of her maſter and a great affection from her miſtreſs; who falling ſick even to death ſo much doated on her new ſervant that ſhe ſent for her huſband, and deſired him that if he thought of marriage after her deceaſe, to make that woman his wife, and mother to her children. The gentlewoman ſoon after dies, he is left a widow and the charge of the whole houſe left to this new convert with the bringin up of his children ; which ſhe executed with fidelity, that he caſting a more curious eye upon her youth and beauty ; and witha! remembring his wife's laſt words, he contracted himſelf unto her, and they ſoon after married. But before any of theſe laſt paſſages happened, I muſt remember to you, that inſtantly upon the pteferment of this young woman, the gentleman who brought her this fortune, adventured all his means upon a voyage that miſcarried, for the ſhip wherein he failed, was taken by the Spaniards, and he almoſt a twelvemonth kept a priſoner at Cadiz. But at length being ranſomed, he came for this country, but ſo