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1ſt. Keep under a found, orthodox ſoul-ſearching miniſtry. Oh! there are many receivers gone at into the world but Chriſt's ſheep know his voice and a ſtranger they will not follow. Attend any miniſter that teacheth the way of God in truth; and follow Solomon's advice, Prov xix. 27.
2dly. doing up your children in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord The mother ought to be a teacher in the father's abſence, Prov xxxi. 1. The words that his mother taught him. And Timothy was inſtructed by his grandmother. I Tim 1. 5.
3dly. Pray in your family daily that yours may be in the number of he families who ca upon God.
4thly Labour for a meek and quiet ſpirit, which in the light of God is of great pries, i Per. iii. 4.
5thly Pore not on the comforts you want, out upon the mercies you have. Lock rather at God's end in afflicting than to the meaſure nd degree of your affliction.
6thly. Labour to clear your evidence for heaven when God takes from you he comforts of earth, ſo that as your ſufferings do abound, your conſolation in Chriſt may abound much more,
Cor. i 5. Though it be good to maintain holy jealouſy of the heart, yet it is ill for you o cheriſh fears and doubts touching the truth f your graces. If ever I had confidence touching the grace of another, I have confidence of race in you; as Peter ſaid to Sylvanus I am erſuaded that this is the grace of God wherein e ſtand. 1 Pet. v. 12.
7thly. O, my dear ſoul! wherefore doſt then oubt whoſe heart has beenupright, while walking has been holy, &c. I could venture my ſoul this